sexta-feira, janeiro 30, 2009

Catedral de Burgos

A catedral de Burgos tem trinta metros de altura
E as pupilas dos meus olhos dois milímetros de abertura.

Olha a catedral de Burgos com trinta metros de altura!

Rómulo de Carvalho

sábado, janeiro 24, 2009

All The

All the cakes and all the celebrations
And all the dresses and all the abortions
And all the smiles and all the wiles
And all the jackets and all the coffee
And all the talking and all the shmalking
And all the vases and all the poses
or all the arrayal and all the betrayal
or all the make-up and all the break-up
and all the thoughts and all the fucks
and all the entertainment and all the gossip
and all the flirting and all the rating
and all the chips and all the clips
and all the gelling and all the ass-wiggling
and all the make-up and all the stand-up
and all the fashion and all the masturbation
and all the goopie and all the whoopie
and all the drugs and all the drinks and all the clinks
and all the mob screamings and all the shouts of "Goal!"
and all the hustling and all the bustling
and all the muscling and all the poems
and all the forgeries and all the gorgeries
are nothing
the eye
to see

Raquel Chalfi

sexta-feira, janeiro 09, 2009

Gato que brincas na rua

Gato que brincas na rua
Como se fosse na cama,
Invejo a sorte que é tua
Porque nem sorte se chama.

Bom servo das leis fatais
Que regem pedras e gentes,
Que tens instintos gerais
E sentes só o que sentes.

És feliz porque és assim,
Todo o nada que és é teu.
Eu vejo-me e estou sem mim,
Conheço-me e não sou eu.

Fernando Pessoa
on-line hits.